



This information is primarily aimed at those who have been in the forces, but PTSD can affect anybody who has been through a particularly traumatic event in their lives, one which has usually meant great physical danger.

Psychologically, some people find it very difficult to deal with the strong imprint that this can create on their memories and go on to suffer symptoms which might include nightmares or flashbacks. This can have a big impact on their lives, including their relationships or ability to work, especially if they are seeking to adjust to life outside the forces. There are, however, a number of treatments available, and understanding of the condition has advanced in the last few tears.Information and support here.

  • Veterans' NHS Wales

    Help and support from the NHS throughout Wales for ex-servicemen.


  • Change Step

    Delivered by veterans for veterans, Change Step offers peer mentoring and help to access relevant services — including support with mental health, substance misuse, criminal justice and housing issues.

    0300 777 2259


  • Combat Stress

    Combat Stress is an organisation aimed at helping those who have been in the forces and are suffering some sort of trauma because of their experiences - no matter when or where they served. They have experts and centres across the UK. More information by going to the website or by phoning one of the centres listed here.

    0800 138 1619


  • Time to Change Wales

    A partnership between three of Wales' leading mental health charities, this is a campaign to end stigma around mental health. The website has interesting and useful information to this end, including links to Hafal, Gofal and Mind Cymru


  • Mind Cymru

    Bilingual advice and support to empower anyone with a mental health problem, but with good, clear advice on a range of subjects, including around COVID-19.


  • Meddwl.org

    A comprehensive Welsh-language site which offers articles, links and supportive information for those who are living with mental health issues.


  • The Samaritans

    Confidential emotional support over the phone is available from the Samaritans - anytime, day or night.

    116 123


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