


Cyw to wake up at 6 on the weekends

27 February 2014

 Saint David’s Day 2014 will be a special day for children and parents in Wales as S4C’s Cyw Service for young children will start an hour earlier on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

From Saturday 1 March Cyw programmes for young children will start at 6.00 on S4C, instead of the usual time of 7.00. This means that on Saturday mornings Cyw will be on between 6.00 and 8.00, followed by Stwnsh at 8.00, with a repeat of TAG, the popular programme for older children after Stwnsh. On Sunday mornings Cyw will be on S4C between 6.00 and 9.00.

S4C Content Commissioner Sioned Wyn Roberts said:

“Children get up early and they enjoy watching their favourite programmes first thing. For months now parents have been asking if we could start the Cyw programmes earlier so that S4C can compete with other children’s channels so we’re thrilled to be offering Cyw from 6 in the morning every weekend.

Hopefully tired parents can enjoy that extra hour of sleep!”

In December 2013 S4C also announced that they would be transforming the way the Channel broadcasts advertisements.

Following a number of requests from the Channel’s viewers S4C decided to include less advertising during certain hours of the day on S4C, with no commercials at all during children’s programmes on Cyw, S4C’s dedicated service for younger children and Stwnsh programming for older children. This will hopefully make the viewing experience more enjoyable for children. The new advertising scheduling started on the Channel on Monday 24 February.



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