


Available now

  • Yn y Lwp

    Yn y Lwp

    DJ and presenter Molly Palmer guides us through Lwp's recent musical content. We have videos from Griff Lynch, Alfa, Cwmwl Tystion and the musician Catrin Herbert who will guide her around Pride Cymru this year.

  • Noson Lawen

    Noson Lawen

    In a very special Noson Lawen from Aberteifi, Huw Bryant pays tribute to two of the town's biggest characters and talents, Wyn and Richard Jones, Ail Symudiad. With Lowri Evans and Lee Mason, Einir Dafydd, Ceri Wyn Jones, Tapestri, Elin Hughes, Ensemble Ysgol Gerdd Ceredigion, Awen and Annest Davies and Teulu ap Dafydd.

  • Tafwyl '24

    Tafwyl '24

    Huw Stephens, Tara Bethan and Lloyd Lewis are in Bute Park at one of Wales' most exciting events - Tafwyl. There will be many familiar - and new - artists performing songs live on the programme. There will also be exclusive musical performances in our hidden garden, plus Gwilym will perform a whole set live on the programme.

  • Cerys Matthews a'r Goeden Faled

    Cerys Matthews a'r Goeden Faled

    A series featuring Cerys Matthews as she looks into the origins of twelve songs, which either originated in Wales or have strong connections with the Land of Song.

  • None

    Eisteddfod Llangollen: Côr y Byd 2024

    The highlight of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod and the finale to a week of competition. The winners of the various choral competitions will compete against each other for the honour of the Choir of the World 2024 title and the Pavarotti Trophy.

  • Welsh Whisperer: Ni'n Teithio Nawr!

    Welsh Whisperer: Ni'n Teithio Nawr!

    In the last of the series the Welsh Whisperer visits Trawsfynydd where he has a fishing lesson with Marion Davies.

  • Ar Dâp - cyfres 2

    Ar Dâp - cyfres 2

    This time, it's the singer songwriter Eadyth who's sharing her music with us.

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