- left over chicken bones
- left over uncooked veg and peelings (carrots celery and onions essential)
- peppercorns
- bay leaves
- various herbs of your choice
- vegetable oil
- Take the chicken bones and veg and roast and drizzle with a little oil and roast on 180 for 20 minutes.
- Then boil for an hour or so with the peppercorns, bay leaves and herbs of your choice.
- Taste and season further if needed.
Recipe by Colleen Ramsey (Colleen Ramsey: Bywyd a Bwyd).
Instagram: @colleen_ramsey
Twitter: @_C_Ramsey
How to cook
Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi feddwl am yr amgylchedd cyn i chi brintio.
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