Oven temperature - 220°c | Fan 200°c | Gas 7
- Pre-heat the oven to 220°c.
- Using pastry from the sweet pastry recipe, line a large 28cm quiche tin with pastry.
- Bake the pastry shell blind in a medium oven and allow to cool OR buy a sweet pastry case.
- Beat the eggs and the sugar together.
- Stir in the lemon juice, melted butter and the almonds.
- Pour the mixture into the pastry case.
- Place your chosen berries or other fruit neatly on top.
- Place on the bottom of the oven for 20 minutes.
- Turn down the heat to 160°c and cook until the filling is firm and golden.
- To make into a bakewell tart, cover with runny white icing and add a cherry on top
Recipe by Lisa Fearn, originally featured on Prynhawn Da.
Instagram: @lisafearncooks
Twitter: @lisaannefearn